Coffee-infused cigars have recently gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts, appealing to those who enjoy a rich and smooth flavor experience.
Combining the bold and robust characteristics of cigars with the complex and aromatic notes of coffee, these cigars provide a unique and pleasurable smoking experience.
The best coffee cigars come in different blends and strengths, with coffee flavors ranging from mild and creamy to more intense, dark roast profiles.
Here is everything you need to know about choosing the best coffee cigars.
Best Coffee Cigars Overview
The world of cigars offers a wide variety of flavors, and among them, coffee-infused cigars stand out for their unique taste and aroma. These cigars are crafted using premium tobacco blends and infused with rich coffee flavors to create a harmonious and enjoyable smoking experience.
One of the top choices is JAVA cigars, made by Drew Estate.
These cigars use high-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos and are infused with sweet mocha java essences, striking the perfect balance between strength and creaminess. They are an excellent option for cigar lovers who seek a slightly lighter and creamier coffee-flavored cigar.
Another popular choice is Nub Café cigars, which come in various flavors crafted from homegrown tobacco.
These cigars are known for their sweet mocha aroma, reminiscent of a fresh cup of coffee. Tabak Especial cigars offer a similar experience, providing a delightful blend of coffee and tobacco flavors.
Tatiana cigars are popular for those on a budget, and they offer two intriguing choices: Tatiana Cappuccino Miniature and Tatiana Coffee Break. Both cigars provide an affordable yet satisfying coffee-infused experience.
Types of Coffee-Infused Cigars
1. Java Cigars
Java Cigars are well-known coffee-infused cigars that offer delightful flavor combinations. One popular variant, JAVA Latte by Drew Estate, combines Nicaraguan filler and binder with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. This square-pressed cigar is infused with coffee, chocolate, and a subtle hint of vanilla, making it suitable for both novice and experienced smokers.
Other popular Java Cigars include the Java Maduro, characterized by its rich, dark chocolate notes, and the Java Mint, a refreshing twist on the classic coffee-infused offering.
2. Tabak Especial Cigars
Tabak Especial Cigars are another line of coffee-infused cigars worth exploring. These handmade Nicaraguan cigars prominently feature mocha, cedar, and earthy notes. The Tabak Especial Dulce offers a sweet, creamy vanilla taste while retaining the traditional coffee-infused flavors.
With a Sumatra wrapper and Nicaraguan tobacco fillers, the Tabak Especial cigar lineup caters to various tastes while providing a consistently enjoyable experience.
3. Nub Café Cigars
Nub Café Cigars are unique, smaller format cigars with intense coffee flavors. One standout from this line is the Nub Nuance Macchiato (Double Roast), featuring rich caramel, milk chocolate, and coffee bean notes. An oily Sumatra leaf envelops a blend of long-fillers, creating a well-rounded taste profile in various sizes.
4. Maroma Café Cigars
Maroma Café Cigars offer a budget-friendly option for those seeking coffee-infused cigars. Infused with flavors such as cappuccino, these cigars provide a mellow, sweet experience. Maroma Café cigars use Nicaraguan tobacco fillers and a natural wrapper, offering a smooth, handmade option suitable for everyday enjoyment.
5. Our Favorite: Drew Estate Java Mint
Drew Estate’s Java Mint is a top choice among coffee-infused cigars. Combining the rich aroma of coffee with a refreshing mint flavor, this cigar offers a unique and enjoyable experience for smokers. With a Maduro wrapper and Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Java Mint expertly blends bold, earthy notes with a cool, invigorating twist, creating an unforgettable smoking experience.
Coffee Cigar Flavor Profiles
Espresso-flavored cigars are popular among those who enjoy a robust and intense coffee-flavored experience. These cigars often have a blend of Nicaraguan filler and long-fillers, which contribute to the potent and rich coffee taste. The cocoa and spice notes that accompany the strong espresso flavor provide an enticing and bold profile.
Mocha cigars offer a delightful blend of coffee, cocoa, and creamy flavors. These coffee-flavored cigars, such as the Nub Café and Tabak Especial, typically feature a Connecticut shade wrapper with Nicaraguan long-fillers. Mocha cigars have a balanced taste with smooth, sweet notes that complement the spiciness of the Nicaraguan tobaccos. The mocha aroma combined with wrapped Sumatra leaf adds an extra layer of depth and complexity.
Caramel-flavored cigars have a sweet and creamy flavor profile, making them a favorite among those who enjoy a milder coffee experience. These cigars, which use Nicaraguan fillers, often have a distinctive caramel aroma, adding an extra layer of indulgence to the overall taste. The smooth and buttery texture of caramel complements the earthy and spicy notes found in the tobaccos, creating a delightful and harmonious combination.
Macchiato-flavored cigars achieve a balance between bold coffee and sweet, creamy flavors. With a base of Nicaraguan tobaccos and long-fillers, these cigars, like Java Mint cigars, strive to create a profile that combines the intensity of coffee with the smoothness of a macchiato. The combination of a strong coffee taste, hints of cocoa, and a touch of sweetness results in a well-rounded and satisfying experience for cigar smokers who enjoy both bold and creamy flavors.
Choosing the Perfect Coffee Cigar
When exploring the world of coffee cigars, enthusiasts have a wide range of options to consider. Whether you prefer a macchiato, earthy flavors, or a balance of sweetness, there is likely a cigar designed to cater to your taste preferences.
Selecting the right size is important when seeking the perfect cigar. The most popular sizes are robusto, toro, and corona. Size influences how concentrated the flavors are in each type of cigar. A shorter cigar will often provide a more intense flavor profile, allowing the smoker to enjoy the key taste notes without overwhelming their palate.
Coffee cigars can come with various wrappers, such as Connecticut wrapper, Ecuadorian, or Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper. The wrapper contributes both visual appeal and added flavor to the cigar. It’s essential to consider personal preferences when selecting a wrapper, as this can impact the overall balance and harmony of flavor in the cigar.
Popular Brands
Popular brands such as Oliva Cigars, M by Macanudo, and Drew Estate Cigars offer numerous options for coffee cigar enthusiasts. For example, the Nub Nuance series delivers a blend of single, double, and triple roasts that cater to distinct tastes. Similarly, cigarillos offer a quick way to enjoy a coffee cigar experience, perfect for those looking for a smaller smoke.
When it comes to strength, coffee cigars are often described as medium to full-bodied, providing a range of intensity in flavor and aroma. The Dominican tobaccos, for instance, impart a sweet tobacco flavor on the palate, while other cigars feature a distinct caramel note.
By considering the structure of the cigar, such as the size or wrapper type, and the taste profile on offer, including earthy, sweet, or creamy flavors, enthusiasts can make a well-informed decision when selecting their perfect coffee cigar. The final choice will ultimately depend on individual preferences and the desired experience they wish to enjoy.
Best Coffee Cigars FAQs
What are the top coffee-infused cigar brands?
Some popular coffee-infused cigar brands include Drew Estate’s JAVA line, which offers a medium strength with a coffee flavor accompanied by herbs and tobacco plant notes.
Which cigars have prominent coffee and chocolate notes?
Cigars like the Tatuaje Négociant Monopole No. 2 and the Alec Bradley Magic Toast Toro possess subtle coffee and chocolate notes. These cigars have a delicate balance of flavors, making them appealing to both coffee lovers and cigar enthusiasts.
Where can I buy quality coffee cigars near me?
To find quality coffee-infused cigars near you, consider visiting local cigar lounges, specialty tobacco shops, or even some upscale liquor stores. Additionally, you can find a wider selection through various online retailers that specialize in cigar sales.
How are coffee-infused cigars made?
Coffee-infused cigars are made by blending premium tobacco leaves with coffee flavorings during the manufacturing process. The tobacco may be aged in a coffee-flavored environment or infused directly with the coffee flavoring. This results in a cigar that carries both the taste and aroma of coffee throughout each draw.
What are some tips for pairing cigars and coffee?
When pairing cigars and coffee, consider the strength and flavor profile of each component. Opt for a coffee with a balanced acidity and medium body to complement a cigar with subtle coffee notes. Additionally, you can experiment with different roast levels and coffee beans to find the pairing that best suits your taste preferences.
What is the taste of a coffee-infused cigar like?
A coffee-infused cigar typically has a rich, complex flavor profile with notes of coffee, chocolate, and tobacco. The taste can range from subtle hints of coffee and chocolate to prominent, robust flavors depending on the specific cigar and infusion process. Overall, coffee-infused cigars offer a unique and satisfying experience for both coffee and cigar aficionados.
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